Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Drywood Termites in Florida

Drywood Termite

Many residents owning property in Florida especially those that live in counties along the coast and those that live in southern communities will have the likelihood of experiencing a dry wood termite infestation at one point in their home or business,  this according to the University of Florida. Dry wood termites are different than subterranean termites in that they do not need  moister to live and they do not live in the ground.

Dry wood termites are secretive insects and are difficult to detect. They live deep inside wood and, except during periods when they come out and swarm or when repair work is being done on infested homes, they are seldom seen. Too find these wood destroying insects you should look for winged adults or "swarmer’s", shed wings, ejected fecal pellets, and galleries inside wood. These are some typical signs of a dry wood termite infestation. Swarming ants are sometimes confused with termites, but their differences are easy to recognize.

Visual inspections by a termite licensed inspector are the best way to locate an infestation. Inspectors look for feeding damage, wings from swarming termites, kick out holes which are about the size of a BB and fecal matter.  During an inspection the inspector will look for piles of fecal pellets near infested wood. The pellets are generally the color of the wood on which the termites feed. These pellets are about 1⁄32 inch long and modest magnification will show long dimples or flutes down each surface. The pellets appear to be six sided, blunt at one end and pointed at the other.  Another way to identify termite galleries if you do not find fecal pellets or kick out holes is too search for surface blistering in paint or warping wood is a good sign of an advanced infestation. Blistering occurs many times because of the termites are tunneling right under the outer surface of the wood, which gives a blistered appearance.

There are many types of treatments for dry wood termites. Make sure that you have a
thorough inspection done by a qualified inspector first. Then ask about the type of treatment they would recommend. Some companies will jump right to having a fumigation job done to the house, but there are many times that a spot treatment is all you will need. The difference in cost between a spot treatment and a fumigation job can be thousands of dollars. So just like getting a second and third opinion on surgery, do the same here and get two or three opinions on termite treatments.